
Our group works at the Mérida Unit of the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C., a research center focused on mathematics, statistics and computer science, which belongs to the system of public research centers of Mexico's Ministry of Science, Humanities, Technology and Innovation. This unit is located at the following address:

Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Yucatán
Carretera Sierra Papacal-Chuburná Puerto Km 5.5
CP 97302
Sierra Papacal, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico


Contact: José Cantarero
Phone: (+52) 999-688-5327 ext. 1313


About us

One could say that CIMAT Mérida's algebraic topology group started in September 2015, when the weekly algebraic topology seminar began running at the department of mathematics of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Although the group is dynamic, the seminar is still one of the elements that unite us.

This group is formed by researchers in CIMAT Mérida, students and visitors. Our mission is to contribute to the development of algebraic topology by generating original research, training qualified personnel, popularizing the area at all levels and solving problems that originate from other academic areas and sectors. Even though this contribution is open to international level, we focus on Mexico, specially on the Southeast region, and Latin America.

Our vision is to become a benchmark group of the area in Latin America and serve as a creation and training hub for research groups, specially in regions without the capacity to carry out activities related to algebraic topology at the moment.



Our group collaborates with the units of CIMAT and other institutions to offer various services to the academic community and different sectors. We list below some of these services. If you require any of these services, please contact José Cantarero or contact the relevant group member directly. The specific arrangement is subject to the availability of the corresponding member(s).

  • Teaching. In person classes at undergraduate and graduate level for institutions of the state of Yucatán, and online classes for any higher education institution. Although the members of the group are specialized in algebra and topology, we can also teach courses from other areas.
  • Supervision of theses and dissertations. At undergraduate and graduate level, in-person for institutions of the state of Yucatán, and online for any higher education institution. Specially in algebraic topology and related areas.
  • Academic stays and sabbaticals.
  • Academic exchanges. Student visits at CIMAT Mérida under the supervision of a member, officially as an exchange student in a graduate program of CIMAT, or unofficially.
  • Introduction to research programs. Delfín program. CIMAT Mérida summer stays. Pares ordenados.
  • Science popularization. School visits, visits from schools to CIMAT Mérida, workshops and conferences at convenient levels.
  • Organization of events. For joint organization of conferences, workshops and seminars at CIMAT Mérida or at the Science and Technology Park of Yucatán. Other venues can be considered as well.