The content in this section is of general interest for students and researchers in the area or who wish to work in this area.

Opportunities, scholarships and job offers

CONAHCYT national graduate scholarships. To carry out graduate studies in higher education institutions in Mexico.

CIMAT's admission process to graduate programs. The group members teach and supervise theses in the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in pure mathematics.

M.Sc. program in mathematics of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. The group members can teach and supervise theses in this program.

Ph.D. program in mathematics of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. The group members can teach and supervise theses in this program.


Active seminars

Graduates Reminisce Online On Topology (GROOT) Summer Seminar.

Applied topology seminar of the network AATRN. Some of the past talks can be watched here.

New Directions in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories, Online Seminar organized by Rudradip Biswas. Some of the past talks can be watched here.


Panoramic writings and other notes

The book Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher.


Links of interest

List of journals whose editorial committee contains at least an algebraic topologist, compiled by Dan Isaksen.


Other algebraic topology groups and networks

Applied geometry and topology group at CIMAT Guanajuato.

Algebraic topology and geometric group theory group at CCM-UNAM Morelia.

Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network.